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  • Having a Better Loppet or Ski Marathon

    Published On: March 8th, 2022

    There are many things you can do to have a better ski marathon or loppet time and to make the loppet experience more enjoyable.  Obviously training and time on skis are the most important but

  • Basic rhythms to think about to improve your skate skiing

    Published On: February 22nd, 2022

    For many people, the hardest part of learning a new ski technique is the timing and rhythms of the technique.  While these are not perfect rhythms for the advanced skier, thinking of them when you

  • 1 minute guide to cross country ski wax

    Published On: February 11th, 2022

    Coaches and skiers are famous for trying to make waxing complicated.  Well, it does not have to be, especially if you are not trying to win the national championships!  So here is our 1-minute guide

  • Cross Country Ski Gloves

    Published On: February 11th, 2022

    Gloves seem to be one of the biggest questions new skiers have when it comes to clothing.  Keeping your hands warm and dry without overheating is the key to staying comfortable.   To do that we

  • Watching Cross Country Skiing on TV

    Published On: February 2nd, 2022

    How to watch cross country ski racing on TV With the Olympics comes increased tv viewership for cross country skiing.  When you are new to watching cross country skiing you may not notice some of

  • Aimo Koivunem – Finnish Skier who skied hundreds of miles while hopped up on meth!

    Published On: January 26th, 2022

    "Koivunen was a Finnish soldier, assigned to a ski patrol on 20 April 1944, along with several other Finnish soldiers. Three days into their mission, on 18 March, the group was attacked and surrounded by


Latest World Cup Videos (That we can find online)

Getting Started

What you need to know when you first start cross country skiing.


What you need to know about getting the right gear.

Ski Better

Advice and tips on how to improve your ski technique and have more FUN!

Ski Fitness

Training and fitness information to help you ski faster and longer.

Skiing Lifestyle

Ski culture is so much more than sliding on snow.

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