Getting Started

Getting Started2021-12-03T19:11:33+00:00

Getting Started Guides

Getting Started Blog

How to pick the best ski boots

Selecting the right boots is probably the most important decision when buying cross country ski equipment. First off you need to decide what type of ski boots you want. Skate, classic, touring, combi (both skate and classic) or backcountry. If you don’t own any existing equipment, we generally recommend you pick your boots first and then choose skis and bindings that will work with your boot choice. If you already have skis and bindings then you will need to select a boot that is compatible with your current setup. In the past this was simple, there was NNN and Solomon

By |October 8th, 2021|Categories: Boots, Gear, Gear Advice, Getting Started, Uncategorized|

How to pick the right ski pole

Picking the right ski pole is not difficult, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  First you need to determine what you want to use the poles for; skate skiing, classic skiing, touring or backcountry skiing.   Remember about half of your forward momentum comes from your poles so they are important.  99% of the time if you have selected the right skis and boots then you just need to look for a pole in same range as your other gear. Example:  If you purchase base model skis and boots you should just get a base model pole.  If you

By |October 5th, 2021|Categories: Gear Advice, Getting Started, Poles|


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